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Partnership Firm Registration

Start a Partnership firm registration with ChatterTax Team

A Partnership Firm is a popular form of business constitution for businesses that are owned, managed and controlled by an Association of People for profit. Partnerships firms are relatively easy to start are is prevalent amongst small and medium sized businesses in the unorganized sectors.
There are two types of Partnership firms, registered and un-registered Partnership firm. It is not compulsory to register a Partnership firm; however, it is advisable to register a Partnership firm due to the added advantages. Partnership firms are created by drafting a Partnership deed amongst the Partners and IndiaFilings can help start a registered or un-registered Partnership firm in India.

Name of Business 

Since the name of a Partnership firm is not registered, a Partnership firm can choose to have any name - as long as it does not infringe on a registered trademark.

Framing of Partnership Deed

In a Partnership firm, the partnership deed will determine the ownership of the firm, profit sharing ratio, rights and responsibilities of each of the Partner.

Registration of partnership firms

A partnership deed can be registered with the Registrar. Though it is optional but it is recommended to have the registration of partnership.



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