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Private Limited Company Registration

Start a Private Limited Company with ChatterTax Team

Required Minimum 2 Directors and Shareholders and It can have maximum 200 (Two Hundred) shareholders


    Private Companies are suitable for Startups and Growing Businesses


      Benefit of Limited Liability


         Easy Restructuring and it cannot invite public for subscription of its shares or debentures. 


          How we help with company registration

          Obtaining DSC & DIN

          Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) and Director Identification Number(DIN) is required for the proposed Directors of the Private Limited Company.

          Name Approval

          The Client has to give a name for the proposed company and the same will be get reserved through the a new web service called as "RUN” (Reserve Unique Name) introduced by MCA

          Company Registration

          The Application of Incorporation along with MOA and AOA will be submitted to the MCA.


          Chatter and Co.
          Infocom House,
          Goverdhanpura Circle
          Jhalawar Road, Kota (Rajasthan) 324007
          Mob no +91 9314029310


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